
MinHoursRoster(num_days, resources, shifts, ...)

It assigns a list of resources to a list of required positions per day and shifts; it takes into account different restrictions as shift bans, consecutive shifts, resting days, and others.


Runs the optimization solver

class pyworkforce.rostering.MinHoursRoster(num_days: int, resources: list, shifts: list, shifts_hours: list, min_working_hours: int, banned_shifts: list, max_resting: int, required_resources: list, non_sequential_shifts: Optional[list] = None, resources_preferences: Optional[list] = None, resources_prioritization: Optional[list] = None, max_search_time: float = 240, num_search_workers=2)[source]

It assigns a list of resources to a list of required positions per day and shifts; it takes into account different restrictions as shift bans, consecutive shifts, resting days, and others. It also introduces soft restrictions like shift preferences. The “optimal” criteria is defined as the minimum total scheduled hours, optionally weighted by resources shifts preferences

num_days: int,

Number of days needed to schedule

resources: list[str],

Resources available to shift

shifts: list,

Array of shifts names

shifts_hours: list,

Array of size [shifts] with the total hours within the shift

min_working_hours: int,

Minimum working hours per resource in the horizon

banned_shifts: list[dict]

Each element {“resource”: resource_index, “shift”: shift_name, “day”: day_number} indicating that the resource can’t be assigned to that shift that particular day example: banned_shifts”: [{“resource”:”e.johnston@randatmail.com”, “shift”: “Night”, “day”: 0}],

max_resting: int,

Maximum number of resting days per resource in the total interval

required_resources: dict[list]

Each key of the dict must be one of the shifts, the value must be a list of length [days] specifying the number of resources to shift in each day for that shift

non_sequential_shifts: List[dict]

Each element must have the form {“origin”: first_shift, “destination”: second_shift} to make sure that destination shift can’t be after origin shift. example: [{“origin”:”Night”, “destination”:”Morning”}]

resources_preferences: list[dict]

Each element must have the form {“resource”: resource_idx, “shifts”:shift_name} indicating the resources that have preference for shift

resources_prioritization: list[dict], default=None

Each element must have the form {“resource”: resource_idx, “weight”: weight_percentage} this represent the relative importance for resources_preferences assignment

max_search_time: float, default = 240

Maximum time in seconds to search for a solution

num_search_workers: int, default = 2

Number of workers to search for a solution


Runs the optimization solver


Dictionary that contains the status on the optimization, the list of resources to shift in each day and the list of resources resting for each day